Oftentimes people find themselves having to make sacrifices when it comes to postgraduate work, whether it's in the form of pay, location, or position. However for a lucky few, their hard work, perseverance, and access to education and mentors allows them to discover a career that seems tailor made. This is the case for University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy graduate Ashraf Traboulsi ‘97. Traboulsi’s career began after the University of Kentucky where he went on to work for Proctor and Gamble (P&G) as Principal Scientist of Personal Health Care Department, where he still works today.
Due to his research background, it was expected that Traboulsi would dedicate his career solely to that aspect of science, but Traboulsi had other aspirations beyond just research. “When it comes to your science,” said Traboulsi, “be adventurous. Don’t just go for a job that lines up well with your science. Go for what makes you excited.”
Traboulsi’s position at P&G continues to challenge him each day as he serves as the lead technician for health products Vick’s Brand and ZzzQuil. While in his role, he was responsible for the introduction of the ZzzQuil brand which delivered three times the expected volume in the first year.
Despite his impressive achievements, Traboulsi still credits UKCOP for providing the educational foundation that he has been able to build upon. “The College of Pharmacy’s reputation alone helped get the interview; but being able to show what I learned while I was there opened doors,” said Traboulsi. “The education was top tier, of course, but what truly made a difference was the faculty. They went out of their way to help students understand the balance and differences in academia, research, and industry; something that would be helpful throughout the entirety of my career.”
Some UKCOP professors that made the biggest impact on Taboulsi were Harry Kostenbaude and Anwar Hussain. It was faculty like these that encouraged him to take on a mentorship role and guide those who are just beginning their careers. He’s even gone as far as to bridge his role as a mentor with his job at P&G by working to connect and develop working relationships between P&G and various universities.
UKCOP provided Traboulsi with an educational experience that made him incredibly versatile and able to thrive in virtually any environment, but it was his refusal to be boxed in that shaped his career and allowed him to be an essential piece of a major company.