Effective 2025, the Limestone Society celebrates those who have made a planned gift of any size to the University of Kentucky. Inspired by the limestone that serves as the bedrock of Kentucky’s geography, members of this society serve as the foundation of UK’s future through their thoughtful planning and generosity. Limestone Society members strengthen the future of UK and create a powerful legacy of support for the broader Wildcat community, ensuring their impact endures for generations to come.
Each member is automatically enrolled after they make a planned gift, though they can choose to opt out of the society. As members, they have access to exclusive society events with University of Kentucky leadership and special University communications. A list of qualifying planned gifts is below.
Qualifying Planned Gifts
- A bequest in your will or testamentary trust to the University of Kentucky.
- A life income agreement, such as a charitable trust or gift annuity.
- Designating the University of Kentucky as a beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan, or
- A life estate in a residence or farm with the University of Kentucky as the ultimate recipient.
To learn more about the Limestone Society, contact Tom Barker, executive director of Gift & Estate Planning, at (859) 257-7886 or giftandestate@uky.edu. To learn more about planned giving options, click here.